Pin - Grounding Sculpture


Pin - Grounding Sculpture


Hand sculpted original ceramic rabbit sculpture handcrafted from iron speckled Stoneware.

Approximate dimensions - 20cm x 11cm x 4cm

The concept behind this series of sculptures is that whilst the ears of the rabbit are erect and engaged in the fight, flight or freeze response, the body of the rabbit is in fact grounded, shown by the flowers coming from the earth around it.

The fact is that when this primal response is in action our bodies are in fact physically grounded, it is our minds which are not, the flowers symbolise this by not quite reaching the head as the creature has not quite reached a state of calm and peace mentally.

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For me rabbits are an important agent and recurrent theme in my exploration of PTSD, dyslexia, ADHD and autism that I myself with. Apart from the fact I was born in the zodiac year of the rabbit, rabbits in my work, symbolise the fight, flight and freeze response which is experienced in many neurodiversity's and most notably in PTSD.

My fine art installation pieces and current work are intended to instigate healthy conversations within society around these neurodiversity's and how sharing experience of life altered post trauma is one of the first steps in healing process.

This item can be kept inside or outside but as with most ceramics it should be brought in if frost is expected.